Current trends and projections for fertilizer markets to be discussed in Minsk

The global independent price-reporting agency Argus is organizing the 3rd international conference “The Argus FSU Fertilizer 2019 — Production, Trading and Logistics in the CIS and Baltics”, which will be held on 4-6 September in Minsk, Belarus.

The conference will focus on current trends in the fertilizer markets of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, central Asia and neighbouring countries. Topics will include forecasts regarding the expansion of fertilizer production capacities and new mining projects in the FSU. Participants will also discuss key logistical aspects ― rail and sea transportation, operation of ports and terminals, and the prospects for transit through Belarus and the Baltic states.

Attendees will include FSU fertilizer producers, suppliers and companies involved in fertilizer exports, imports, transportation and transshipment. Traditionally, traders, stevedores, ship surveyors, expeditors, brokers and representatives of related industries take interest in Argus’s events.

The conference participants will be taken to a guided tour to a potassium mine of Belaruskali in Soligorsk.

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