Agrimin continues implementing the Mackay project

Agrimin calculated reserves and estimated undiscovered resources for the project from the surface to a depth of 24,7 m. According to its data, potassium sulfate reserves amount to 4.3 million tons, and the forecast resources, – to 18.9 million tons. The average potassium content reaches 3.6 mg per 1liter of brine.

Earlier, Mark Savich, Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director at Agrimin, declared that they planned to produce 426 thousand tons of potassium sulfate per annum over a mine life of at least 20 years, the cost of extracting and processing salts will amount to $200 per 1 ton.

Mark Savich believes that in the coming years the global market for potassium sulfate will undergo major changes: on the one hand, the demand for it will increase; on the other hand, obsolete enterprises that produce potassium through processing potassium chloride with concentrated sulfuric acid will be closing.

In the Mackay project, brines are supposed to be mined from a depth of not more than 3 m followed by evaporation in special ponds.

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