SBU Azot has got Meleuz Fertilizers

Meleuz Mineral Fertilizers Enterprise (Bashkortostan) has joined the SBU Azot holding.

Last year alone Meleuz Mineral Fertilizers produced 270 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate and almost 220 thousand tons of nitric acid. In 2019, it is planned to increase the production of nitric acid by 8% to 242 thousand tons, and of ammonium nitrate – by 10% to 300 thousand tons.

By 2023 the company anticipates creating and introducing dispatching systems and an automated transport management system, as well as reconstructing water cycles, the chemical water treatment unit, and the packaging unit where the produce is put into disposable soft containers.

“In addition to all of the above, we have been tasked with exploring possibilities for the plant to produce new products, such as porous ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate solution and urea-ammonia mixture,” said Roman Dyak, General Director of Meleuz Fertilizers.

The total volume of investment in the development of the enterprise in the next five years is planned in the amount of 3.5 billion rubles.

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