Autumn sowing begins in the Stavropol Krai

The Governor of the Stavropol Krai Vladimir Vladimirov held a weekly meeting. One of his topics was the progress of harvesting and preparations for autumn sowing.

According to the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Stavropol Krai Nikolay Velikdan, the region is ready for the start of the autumn sowing campaign, which will start this week. It is planned to sow 2 million hectares with winter crops. For these purposes, today more than 300 thousand tons of seeds have been procured, the necessary volume of mineral fertilizers, fuels and lubricants, agricultural machinery in full readiness.

In the final stage of harvesting. Sunflower harvesting was completed at 82%, more than 400 thousand tons were received, and sugar beets or 850 thousand tons were harvested more than half. Productivity in all row crops is higher than last year.

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