Elabugastroyproekt prosecutes NIIK

On February 26, a hearing on the suit of Elabugastroyproekt (Tatarstan) against the Research and Design Institute of Urea and Organic Synthesis Products (NIIK) is scheduled to be held in the Arbitration Court of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

According to the case file, Elabugastroyproekt intends to recover 1.02 million rubles (more than $ 16 thousand) from the NIIK. However, the reasons that prompted the enterprise to file a lawsuit are not reported.

It is worth noting that this is not the first lawsuit Elabugastroyproekt has brought up against the NIIK: since the beginning of last year, six claims have been filed against the Institute.

As follows from the information on the NIIK website, it provides design, technology development, complete equipment supply, investment justification and construction management services. The clients include Acron, Metafrax, Shchekinoazot, and others.

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