Bashkortostan seeks to develop greenhouse business

Under the conditions of a falling economy and the spread of COVID-19, Bashkortostan is developing measures to support the greenhouse industry and testing a “bonus” program for investors.

“The existing situation may bankrupt many types of business. We are looking for new ways to develop the agro-industrial complex. With the right strategy, the crisis can be a powerful impetus for the development of agricultural business, particularly in the field of the production of vegetables of a protected ground,” said Ilshat Fazrakhmanov, the Deputy Prime Minister of Bashkortostan Government.

Currently, the government has developed an interesting support system. The investor acquires state property — operating agricultural enterprise — “for the ruble” and begin to develop the plant, while the state will pay the investor for this.

“The investor gets an enterprise for the next to nothing with one condition. The enterprise will develop, modernize and function successfully. And then we will also reimburse the investor 30% of the capital costs of developing the enterprise,” he explained.

Besides, the state support package includes the provision of financing and reimbursement of 90% of the costs of creating an external engineering infrastructure.

Source: Interfax

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