PhosAgro supplied to Russian farmers almost 2 mln. tons of fertilizers

In the first half of 2020, PhosAgro-Region (part of PhosAgro) increased the total supplies of mineral fertilizers to the Russian farmers by 14.2% to 1.9 million tons.

The sales of PhosAgro products increased by 11.2% to 1.54 million tons. Almost 75% fell on phosphate and complex fertilizers, sales of which increased by 11.9%. PhosAgro-Region also supplied 340 thousand tons of products produced by other companies.

“We supply more products to the priority Russian market than to any other country in the world. Usually, it’s about 30% of mineral fertilizers produced by PhosAgro. At the beginning of spring, this figure almost reached 40%,” noted Andrey Guryev, PhosAgro CEO. “After roaring demand for mineral fertilizers in the first quarter, one of the most saturated quarters in PhosAgro’s history, by the end of the half-year, the market has returned to its usual pace. Further dynamics will depend on the actual gross yield of crops and the global food market situation.”

Moisture deficit covered almost all key agricultural regions of the country during the fieldwork. Therefore, demand for liquid complex fertilizers NP 11:37 in the first half of the year exceeded all expectations: PhosAgro-Region supplied 31 thousand tons to its consumers, which is more than for the entire last year.

PhosAgro-Region also began deliveries of granulated ammonium sulfate (4 thousand tons) to the regions. It’s a new nitrogen fertilizer containing sulfur, production of which was launched at the Balakovo branch of Apatit (part of PhosAgro).

There is also a rise in demand for new PhosAgro’s nutritional complexes containing the main nutrients, meso- and microelements in one granule. In the first half-year, the share of sales of mineral fertilizers with microelements reached 2.5% of the total sales of PhosAgro products in Russia. The key consumers of the new products became the leading agricultural enterprises of the Kursk and Bryansk regions, as well as several other largest Russian agricultural holdings.

The total storage capacity of PhosAgro-Region currently exceeds 650 thousand tons, the number of tanks for liquid mineral fertilizers is more than 100 with a total capacity of 45 thousand tons. In February, the 27th distribution center was launched in the Krasnodar region, which provides accumulation, storage and delivery of mineral fertilizers to the region’s farmers.

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