Hydrometallurgical plant is suing its own trading house

Hydrometallurgical plant (city of Lermontov) has filed a claim in the Moscow Commercial Court against Cashmere Capital (city of Moscow). According to the case files, the Hydrometallurgical plant intends to recover from Cashmere Capital a debt of almost 1.016 million rubles (approximately $13.9 thousand). How long it took the debt to form is not revealed.

As follows from the information on the Cashmere Capital website, the company is an exclusive trading house of the Almaz Fertilizers plant formed on the basis of Hydrometallurgical Plant, which produces monoammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate and potassium sulfate.

According to Rusprofile.ru, Cashmere Capital belongs to Alexey Bykov and its General Director is Edward Gurary.

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