EuroChem posts $86 million net loss in 1H2020

In the first half of 2020, EuroChem incurred a loss of $86.767 million versus its net profit of $612.134 million for the same period in 2019.

Sales of nitrogen fertilizers increased by 4% to 4.898 million tons, phosphorus fertilizers by 32% to 1.453 million tons, complex fertilizers by 22% to 1.694 million tons and potassium fertilizers by 158% to 1.002 million tons.

At the same time, in monetary terms, the sale of nitrogen fertilizers fell by 6% to $1.082 billion, while sales of phosphorus fertilizers increased by 2% to $493 million, complex and potassium fertilizers also raised by 6% to $576 million and by 88% to $275 million respectively.

Source: Prime

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