Crimean scientists trying to grow olive in a greenhouse

Scientists of the Crimean Federal University will plant the country’s first industrial olive grove in the closed ground. The seedlings will be planted in October, reports the press-service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

Scientists want to check whether the subtropical culture will grow in industrial volumes in atypical conditions.

“In Russia, or probably in the world, there is no experience of growing olive in a greenhouse to obtain an industrial yield. In our country, this culture can grow and give an economically interesting harvest only on the southern coast of Crimea. In the steppe Crimea, the temperature that negatively affects the olive’s buds is a rare phenomenon. However, this short period may completely destroy the yield. Nevertheless, all other climatic conditions are suitable for its cultivation. We’ve decided to try to protect olive from low temperatures by planting it in a greenhouse and check weather the grove will produce crops in such conditions,” said Vice-Rector for External Relations of the Crimean Federal University, Mikhail Sergeev.

Now the greenhouse of an area of 0.75 hectares is being assembled in the university. The new greenhouse is designed for 1000 olive seedlings, and the whole project costs about 17 million rubles (approximately $223.2 thousand).

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