Winter crops may take up to a million hectares in the Orenburg region

60 thousand hectares of the abandoned agricultural land have been returned to the crop rotation during the year in the Orenburg region. This will make it possible to reach the target indicators for the introduction of arable land to the crop rotation and increase the share of winter crops in sowing campaigns during the next three years. The Governor of the Orenburg region, Denis Pasler, set a goal for farmers of the region to increase the area of winter crops to a million hectares in 2021.

Denis Pasler had a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Processing industry Sergey Balykin, where they discussed the possibilities of accomplishing the set task.

Besides the introduction of agricultural land into circulation, the use of mineral fertilizers, animal breeding and rural mortgage were discussed at the meeting. Agricultural producers of the Orenburg region purchased 65 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers (167% of the plan) this year.

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