A fertilizer storage complex will be built in the Krasnodar region

Rhenus Group has begun the creation of a logistics center for storing seeds and mineral fertilizers in the Krasnodar region.

The new center will consist of two warehouses with an area of 10 thousand square meters each. Rhenus Group will invest a billion rubles (approximately $13.1 million) in its construction. The opening is scheduled for the next year. The complex will become one of the largest in the Kuban region and will solve the problem in the south of Russia in the storage of seeds and mineral fertilizers, satisfy the needs for high-quality handling of goods and their transportation.

“Krasnodar is the leading agricultural region of the country. We need powerful, modern logistics complexes. Both agricultural holdings and farms must be provided with seeds and crop protection agents. This is the basis for good harvests and the development of agricultural enterprises. Besides, the opening of our own customs point in the future will allow increasing the export of fertilizers,” said the Governor of the Krasnodar region.

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