Startup from Novosibirsk developed the new precision farming technology

The startup, which became one of the winners of the business accelerator in Novosibirsk, has developed a technology for creating agrochemical soil maps that allow calculating the exact volume of fertilizers to be applied without harming the environment, said one of the project owners Natalia Gopp.

According to her statement, the creation of agrochemical maps will help to reduce the presence of chemicals in soil. Currently, large volumes of fertilizers are applied and the residues may get into groundwater, which can lead to pollution of water bodies.

“This technology may be implemented as a program. We use Earth remote sensing data and field data, and by its combining, we create digital maps. They are compiled in just a few seconds,” said Natalia Gopp.

The most difficult part of the map creation process is to conduct preliminary research in the fields and take soil samples. The obtained samples are sent to the laboratory, where chemical analysis is carried out. Maps are created based on publicly available field data and Earth remote sensing data. They are then loaded into the control module that precisely calculates fertilizer application.

Source: TASS

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