Tatarstan may spend $123 million on fertilizers

As the Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov reports, Tatarstan requires over 28 billion rubles (approximately $381.8 million), or about 9 thousand rubles ($122.71) per hectare of crops, to carry out spring field works in the region this year.

According to his statement, 9 billion rubles (about $122.7 million) are needed for mineral fertilizers, 3.5 billion rubles (approximately $47.7 million) for seeds, and 5 billion rubles (almost $68.2 million) for plant protection products.

“High results can’t be achieved without financial investments. Traditionally, we carry out a sowing campaign attracting borrowed funds as well,” said Marat Zyabbarov.

Source: Kommersant

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