Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers has completed a large project

Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers (part of Uralchem) has completed a large-scale investment project to create a line for the production of NPKS fertilizers with a capacity of up to 200 thousand tons per year. The works were carried out in the framework of the technical re-equipment of the ammophos workshop No.1, where the production of water-soluble monoammonium phosphates with a capacity of 50 thousand tons per year was created as well.

According to the project concept, nitrogen-phosphorus solutions generated during the production of monoammonium phosphate are processed and used for the production of NPKS fertilizers. The implementation of the project allows achieving waste-free production. The new line was partially created based on the existing equipment of the workshop.

The innovative developments and technical solutions of the Chief Engineer of the enterprise Ivan Kislyak helped to improve the production process, as well as to dramatically reduce project implementation costs, increase production efficiency, and introduce new forms and methods of work. Commissioning works took place in early November, after which the new line was included in the production process.

“Despite the epidemiological situation in the country and world, we have implemented a large-scale and technically complex project in a relatively short time,” said Ivan Kislyak. “With the launch of another line for the production of NPKS fertilizers, we will be able not only to expand the range of products and increase the company’s profit but also to create a modern, efficient, and waste-free complex.”

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