PhosAgro and Russian Academy of Science develop new green technologies

President of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS) Alexander Sergeev and PhosAgro SEO Andrey Guryev reported on the results of collaborative work in 2020 and discussed prospects for future cooperation.

During the meeting, Andrey Guryev thanked Alexander Sergeev for a close and productive partnership.

“We understand that the development of both the production and company impossible without science. Therefore, the expansion of cooperation with RAS is an absolute priority for us. We are grateful that PhosAgro became the first private Russian company in 2018, with which the Russian Academy of Science entered into a cooperation agreement,” noted Andrey Guryev.

Within the framework of the agreement, RAS provides expert and methodological support to PhosAgro in the development of the company’s research and innovation center. The core of the center is unique in Russia and a leading European research institute for fertilizers and insectofungicide, which is part of PhosAgro.

Andrey Guryev also noted that during this time, the company has expanded the number of produced fertilizer brands by almost 1.5 times. Its product portfolio currently includes 53 brands of safe and highly effective products, including 12 with micronutrients. PhosAgro has also strengthened its leading position in the total volume of supplies of all types of mineral fertilizers to Russian farmers. By the end of last year, for the first time in the company’s 20-year history, PhosAgro supplied over 3.5 million tons of mineral fertilizers to the domestic market.

An important area in PhosAgro and RAS partnership was work on innovative biostimulants and biomineral fertilizers as part of the Green Standard for agricultural products with improved environmental characteristics, being developed by the initiative of President Vladimir Putin.

“Our joint work has a significant synergetic effect. Therefore, cooperation with the Russian Academy of Science remains our priority,” said Andrey Guryev.

Alexander Sergeev noted that the work of PhosAgro on creating a digital platform is of great interest. Within the framework of the platform, customers receive complex solutions for the selection and application of an optimal plant nutrition system. The future development of the platform provides for the ability to purchase seeds and plant protection products, obtain financial services and sell customers’ own products.

“A very complex task has been set, the solution of which is carried out with the involvement of the advanced scientific base. It makes a strong impression,” said Alexander Sergeev. “We are glad that PhosAgro and RAS have come to such close cooperation. The company invests in science both at the corporate and federal levels. It’s important to note that PhosAgro, occupying key positions in the global market, enhancing the country’s prestige and acts as the Russian ambassador in issues of green chemistry. It’s pleasant to have a company that pays such attention to science.”

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