Prospects of Russian gardening will be discussed during the annual forum in Moscow

The 4th Annual International Investment Forum & Exhibition Orchards of Russia & CIS will take place in Moscow on June 2-3, 2021. This is a professional international platform uniting key fruit-growing companies of Russia and the CIS, where participants can discuss development strategies and elaborate anti-crisis solutions in the industry of commercial fruit-growing, conclude new mutually beneficial contracts, share experiences between the key market players, and attract investments in the industry.

Over 300 delegates from the largest commercial orchards, vineyards, berry plantations, and fruit nurseries annually take part in the forum. Among the participants are Sady Stavropolia, Frukti Starogo Krima, Agroholding Step and Agronom-Sad.

Among the speakers at the forum are Roman Nekrasov, Director of the Department of Horticulture, Mechanisation, Chemicals-Use, and Plant Protection of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation; Yulia Vasilieva, General Director of Frukti Starogo Krima; and Sergei Tarakhno, Executive Director of Agrofirma Yuzhnaya.

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