Turkmen entrepreneur produces enriched soil from coconuts and sand

A postgraduate student at the National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna of Turkmenistan, Dovlet Berdyev, began the production of new soil on the basis of coconut waste, bio humus and Karakum sand.

In this mixture, coconut waste is used as an organic fertilizer and soil cultivator, while bio humus is used as an effective organic additive that guarantees a high yield level.

As the scientist says, artificial soil made of coconut flakes and fibers, which is used for growing vegetables in greenhouse complexes, is disposed of after 2-3 years of use by burning or dumping. Only a few greenhouses applied them as organic fertilizer after proper processing.

Dovlet Berdyev in his farm revives the coconut base which was used in mushroom growing. The produced nutrient mixture, which has already successfully passed laboratory tests, has good quality characteristics and can be used in greenhouses as an organic fertilizer for vegetables, berries and fruit crops.

Source: Turkmenportal

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