Russian scientists found a way to apply citrogypsum in agriculture

The specialists of the Belgorod State University (BelSU) have patented a new way to increase the yield of soybeans based on the use of the organo-mineral fertilizer.

Ivan Nikulin, Director of the engineering center of BelSU, explained that the content of nutrients is several times higher in poultry manure than in the manure of agricultural livestock. Mr. Nikulin also noted that the concentration of micronutrient elements in poultry excrements is significantly higher, which means that such a fertilizer needs to be applied in less volume.

The scientist also explained that pure poultry manure is a chemically aggressive substance that can adversely affect the process of regeneration of the fertile layer. Therefore, before being applied in fields, it’s needed to be preliminarily processed and modified.

“To solve this issue, we have developed a granular organo-mineral fertilizer, which is obtained by mixing manure of the cage keeping chicken and a mineral component in the form of citrogypsum in a 2:1 ratio by weight,” said Ivan Nikulin.

Preparation of fertilizer based on poultry manure takes about two months, which is 3-5 times faster than obtaining rotted livestock manure. Specialists recommend spreading the finished fertilizer over the soil surface in the amount of 15 tons per hectare before autumn plowing.

The effectiveness of the technology has been proven experimentally. According to preliminary data, the application of the granular organo-mineral fertilizer increases the yield of soybeans by an average of 25% per hectare. Its production solves the problem of recycling waste from poultry factories and citric acid plants.

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