The Seed Protection Institute has been launched in the Voronezh region

Syngenta held a solemn ceremony of opening of the Seed Protection Institute in the Voronezh region. The opened in Russia Institute has become the 17th in the global network of the company’s similar institutions.

The Seed Protection Institute is the first such organization in Russia, which will be a specialized research center, hiring talented scientists to work on projects in the field of agriculture. The Institute will provide services for the development and implementation of innovative seed treatment methods using advanced technologies and equipment that have no analogs on the Russian market. The building with an area of over 1.5 thousand square meters has the most modern laboratories for the needs of agriculture.

Several laboratories are already operating. They include a research laboratory for the diagnosis of phytopathogens, a laboratory of artificial climate to recreate the environmental conditions of different regions, a microbiological laboratory, a laboratory for quality control of seed treatment, a hall for applying seed protection products with equipment for processing seeds from the world and Russian manufacturers, and a warehouse for storing seeds and modern classrooms for training.

“The Seed Protection Institute of Syngenta is a modern R&D and training center that provides expanded training resources for seed treatment and improved collaboration with customers,” said Konstantin Beldyushkin, CEO of Syngenta in Russia. “Syngenta invested 300 million rubles (approximately $4.04 million) in the construction and equipment of the center, which again demonstrates our compliance to the strategy for the introduction of innovations and localization of production in Russia.”

The Seed Protection Institute will annually carry out over 10 thousand analyzes of seed samples. Besides, the Institute will weekly host seed processing training for farmers and seed producers and train students from agricultural universities.

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