PhosAgro launched a new office in Siberia

PhosAgro has launched a new regional company PhosAgro-Siberia. It is part of the PhosAgro-Region company, Russia’s largest mineral fertilizer distribution network, that provides direct supplies of a wide range of mineral fertilizers to agricultural producers in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts. The head office of PhosAgro-Siberia is located in Novosibirsk.

“We continue to implement PhosAgro’s development strategy until 2025, which is also aimed at further expanding our regional network in the priority Russian market. Since the start of the strategic initiative in 2019, the number of PhosAgro-Region distribution centers has increased from 26 to 29, and the total capacity of the warehouses has come close to 800 thousand tons. Focusing on the growing needs of regional agro-industrial complexes in mineral fertilizers, we have set distribution centers in the Central Federal District, Volga region, Urals and Siberia,” noted PhosAgro CEO Andrey Guryev. “I’m confident that Russian consumers will appreciate the positive effect of PhosAgro-Siberia’s activity in the coming months. In the long term, we expect the company to make a significant contribution to the development of the infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex throughout the entire territory from the Urals to the Pacific coast.”

The demand for mineral fertilizers in the regions of Siberia and the Far East is growing. Since 2017, when the first regional office of PhosAgro-Region was opened beyond the Urals, the network has increased its deliveries to consumers in these territories by 80%.

“The demand for complex fertilizers with sulfur is growing fast, and the agrometeorological conditions of recent years have shown the need for the systematic use of liquid complex fertilizers to obtain stable yields of grain and oilseeds. Until recently, the increase in the use of mineral fertilizers was held back by the lack of sufficient logistical capacity in these regions. Within the development of PhosAgro-Siberia, we plan to launch several warehouse complexes capable of ensuring both the accumulation of the required volume of granular and liquid mineral fertilizers for fieldwork and the prompt deliveries to farmers during the season,” said PhosAgro-Region CEO Andrey Vovk.

PhosAgro-Region is consistently developing its work in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts. In 2017-2019, offices in Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul and Ussuriysk began to work, in 2022 another office in Novosibirsk was launched. As of today, they provide mineral fertilizers to more than 600 agricultural enterprises in 18 regions, and also develop and implement mineral nutrition systems for crops, taking into account local specifics.

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