Uralchem ​​Innovation and the Innovation Promotion Fund signed cooperation agreement

Within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Uralchem ​​Innovation (part of Uralchem) and the Innovation Promotion Fund of Russia have signed a cooperation agreement aimed at working with promising technological projects selected and supported by the Fund.

Uralchem ​​Innovation is actively developing and looking for new technologies to expand the range of mineral fertilizers and create new high-margin products for industrial use.

The first step towards the implementation of the tasks under the agreement will be the competition held by Uralchem ​​Innovation to select innovative start-ups. The company will pick the best projects, providing solutions for expanding the range of mineral fertilizers and sustainable farming technologies, as well as import substitution projects within the company’s industrial processes.

The agreement also provides for other experts and educational and research scientific and technological projects, which will be initiated in the future with the participation of start-ups in the field related to Uralchem’s activities.

Cooperation will contribute to the creation of favorable conditions, the introduction of new science-intensive technologies into production and the development of innovative infrastructure for the whole industry.

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