PhosAgro will invest within next 5 years over $3.5 billion in its infrastructure

During the January-September period of this year, PhosAgro increased the production of mineral fertilizers by 6.7% to 8.1 million tons, said in the company’s press-release, related to the extraordinary meeting of shareholders.

This trend allows us to predict an increase in the production of mineral fertilizers by the end of 2022 by 5% to more than 10.9 million tons.

“This year the company will invest about 64 billion rubles (over $914 million) and in the next five years – more than 250 billion rubles (almost $3.6 billion). PhosAgro shareholders at an extraordinary general meeting approved the decision to pay dividends at the rate of 318 rubles ($4.5) per ordinary share,” PhosAgro said in its press-release.

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