Uralchem maintained stable production volumes in 2022

In 2022, Uralchem maintained the production and sales volume of mineral fertilizers at the level of 2021, and redirected a significant part of supplies to the domestic market, said its founder Dmitry Mazepin.

“Our production and sales volume have remained unchanged compared to 2021. Clearly, the market conditions changed and we had to address new challenges. Therefore we reoriented most of the volumes to the domestic market,” explained Dmitry Mazepin.

According to his statement, in 2Q2022, Uralchem faced cases of non-payment for exported mineral fertilizers due to the imposition of Western sanctions that restricted banking operations, and therefore the company suspended deliveries. For example, the Norwegian producer of mineral fertilizers Yara International has not yet paid $150 million for potassium chloride shipped to it.

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