Pesticide companies in Sri Lanka cut prices to support farmers

Last week, Sri Lankan Agriculture Minister Mahinda Amaraweera discussed reducing the cost of herbicides and insecticides for the Yala sowing season.

Recall that the country has two agricultural seasons, the names of which correspond to the monsoons. Yala season lasts from May to August. During this period, tea is grown for export, and rice that is the basis of national food security.

On average, due to insects, local farmers lose about 37% of their crops. Plant diseases and weeds also cause damage. Chemical fungicides are used to control diseases. Weeds are being controlled by herbicides.

The Sri Lankan authorities want to take an active role in restoring the yield of tea and rice by providing herbicides and insecticides to local farmers at affordable prices.

Sri Lankan pesticide producers agreed to reduce the price of insecticides and herbicides by 20%. Some pesticides have fallen in price by as much as 40%.

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