PhosAgro increased exports to developing countries

The PhosAgro Board of Directors, one of the world’s leading producers of phosphorus-containing fertilizers, noted the growth of the company’s exports to the markets of developing countries while maintaining the priority of supplies to the Russian market and maintaining its leading position in it.

Sales of PhosAgro products in 2022 increased by 6.4% and amounted to more than 11 million tons, which was the record figure in the company’s history. Under the conditions of external restrictions, the company was able to quickly reorient export flows, increasing supplies to the markets of developing countries. Thus, the volume of deliveries of PhosAgro’s fertilizers to India in 2022 increased by more than 5 times and reached 2.7 million tons. The volume of deliveries to other Asian countries more than doubled to 0.4 million tons. PhosAgro is Russia’s largest exporter of fertilizers to African countries – deliveries to the continent increased by a quarter to 0.5 million tons.

During the board meeting, the rapid growth in the use of the PhosAgro digital ecosystem in the past year was noted. In 2022, there were more than 10 million contacts of the target audience with the digital ecosystem – almost 3.5 times more than a year earlier. The loyal audience that constantly uses PhosAgro’s digital services crossed the mark of 47 thousand by the end of 2022. There was a significant increase in the audience of the AgroResult mobile application, which combines the functionality of an agrocalculator and agrarian’s personal account. In 2022, the app was downloaded 4 times more than a year earlier. The number of active users of the application currently exceeds 30 thousand.

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