Silicon dioxide will be produced in the Kuban region

It’s planned to launch the production of valuable organic fertilizer – silicon dioxide in the Kuban region by 2024. The purity of the final product will be 99.99%.

The project worth 150 million rubles (almost $1.7 million) is being implemented by the Rice-Ashti company. Only environmentally friendly rice ash will be used as a raw material for production.

The corresponding agreement was concluded on July 10. The document was signed by a representative of the Rice-Ashti company Sergey Savilov and deputy governor of the Kuban Alexander Ruppel.

Today, the construction of a plant in the Seversky district is already in full swing. The technological line has already been set. Now builders are engaged in the installation of additional equipment.

The capacity of the enterprise will be 2.5 thousand tons of fertilizers per year.

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