New mobile app will help to increase harvest by planning planting patterns

Scientists at Belgorod State University have developed a mobile application that can calculate the optimal planting pattern for various crops in a certain area. The program has the ability to determine the dynamics of the concentration of carbon dioxide, as well as other parameters in the acreage, in order to choose the most appropriate time and place for planting for maximum yield.

The mobile application of Belgorod scientists has elements of augmented reality. It takes into account many parameters when planning sowing work. This allows you to achieve a consistently high yield. Scientists state that this technology reduces the negative impact on the environment and optimizes the consumption of labor and material resources.

During the operation, the application takes into account various variables and parameters: the nature and intensity of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, meteorological factors, heat supply of the soil, air temperature, mineral nutrition of plants, and concentration of carbon dioxide in the surface layer of the atmosphere.

Based on the received data, the algorithm builds 3D models and hybrid intelligent systems and offers options for optimal fit.

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