UK Startup Matter Raises $10 Million to Revolutionize Pollution Cleanup by Filtering Microplastic

There is some positive movement towards combating the global microplastic crisis. Matter, a UK microplastic technology and innovation company, has announced its successful $10 million Series A funding round. Spearheaded by environmentally conscious investment heavyweights such as S2G Ventures, SOUNDwaves, Regeneration.VC, and Katapult Ocean, the investment is an endorsement of Matter’s pioneering solutions for capturing, recycling, and repurposing microplastics.

Matter’s cutting-edge microplastic filtration technology offers a beacon of hope amidst the rising tide of microplastic pollution. Hailing from Bristol, the company’s technology holds the potential to transform the trajectory of microplastics from sewage sludge to valuable resources. The new investment will allow Matter to scale up its operations and realize its ambitious vision of a world free from micropollutants.

Adam Root, the Founder and CEO of Matter, expressed his enthusiasm for the new round, stating, “The combined support and expertise of our investors enables us to accelerate our work, moving beyond laundry into industrial-scale applications of our technology, and drive globally meaningful reductions in micropollutant emissions with confidence and speed.” As microplastics continue to pose a dire threat to marine ecosystems and human health, Matter’s innovation signifies a pivotal step forward in the battle to preserve our planet’s well-being.

Kate Danaher, Managing Director at S2G Ventures, underscored the urgency of investing in transformative solutions like Matter’s, affirming that these efforts are crucial to safeguarding the future health of our oceans and our planet. Similarly, Katherine Keating, Managing Partner at SOUNDwaves, recognized the significance of Matter’s micro-filtration technology in stemming the relentless flow of microplastic pollution.

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