SusGlobal Energy Corp. Achieves Strong Q2 2023 Financial Performance and Operational Milestones

SusGlobal Energy Corp. (OTCQB: SNRG), a Canadian holding company specializing in environmental, agricultural, industrial biotechnology, and renewable solutions, unveiled its financial outcomes for the second quarter ending June 30, 2023, along with significant operational advancements.

The company showcased remarkable quarterly achievements, including a 39% surge in revenue, which reached $153,487, compared to $110,143 during the same period in the prior year. The growth can be attributed to heightened business activity, particularly from an existing client of the Company’s organic waste processing and composting facility.

Marc Hazout, the Executive Chairman, President, and CEO of SusGlobal Energy Corp., expressed confidence in the upward trajectory of revenues this year, underscored by the expansion of the company’s landholdings at its second facility. The aim is to launch the commercialization of the company’s exclusive organic liquid fertilizer, amplifying revenue and cash flow.

SusGlobal Energy Corp. reported several significant milestones throughout the quarter. The company’s subsidiary, SusGlobal Energy Belleville Ltd., realized impressive outcomes from the Anew SusGlobal Belleville Composting Offset Project in Ontario, generating approximately 9,500 Verified Emission Reductions and Removals (VERRs) and selling 3,000 additional carbon credits. Moreover, the company successfully obtained trademark registration for “SUSGRO” in the U.S. and Canada, a ten-year registration effective until 2033.

SusGlobal Energy Corp.’s continued expansion and innovative approaches underscore its commitment to establishing a sustainable waste-to-energy framework and regenerative product applications, positioning itself as a significant player in the circular economy.

For more information on SusGlobal Energy Corp. and its trailblazing initiatives, visit the official website at

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