Russian Ministry of Finance exempted two types of fertilizers from export duty

The Ministry of Finance of Russia excluded from the draft resolution on the introduction of a single export duty on fertilizers two types of mineral fertilizers: ammonium dihydrogen phosphate and diammonium hydrogen phosphate. This information appeared in the updated draft document, which was posted on the portal of legal acts.

The reason for the withdrawal of two types of water-soluble fertilizers from the 8% duty was their high cost. The initiator of this process was the Almaz Fertilizers company, which is the largest manufacturer of this type of product, which submitted a similar request to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia. The bill is currently under discussion. The final decision will be made on August 22.

Recall that from September 1, 2023, a single export duty on all types of fertilizers at a rate of 8% will come into force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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