Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers began planned repair campaign

The Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers (part of Uralchem) has started a planned shutdown repair campaign in the city of Voskresensk.

During the August-September period of 2023, maintenance, replacement and repair of technological equipment will be carried out at all the main production sites of the enterprise.

Part of the work has already begun. So, in the ammophos workshop No. 2, one of the technological systems is being repaired, and in the wet-process phosphoric acid workshop No. 3, a major overhaul of the belt vacuum filter was carried out. In addition, work is planned at the apatite warehouse.

Repairs of drying drums will take place in ammophos workshops No. 1 and No. 2. The plans also include the installation of two new belt conveyors in the finished product warehouse and the replacement of a section of the main gas duct. In addition, to improve the efficiency of the main production sites, it’s planned to repair the transport, ventilation and tank equipment.

Several events will also take place in the contact sulfuric acid workshop.

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