Russia banned rapeseed exports from September 1, 2023

The Russian government has decided to ban the export of rapeseed from September 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024. According to the Minister of Agriculture of the Transbaikal region, Denis Bochkarev, this restriction will not apply to the export of rapeseed abroad through the Zabaikalsk checkpoint.

Denis Bochkarev said that Zabaikalsk is the only checkpoint in the country through which this oilseed can be supplied. The corresponding decree was signed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

Thanks to the export ban, Transbaikal farmers and agricultural organizations can continue to export rapeseed seeds and oil to China using rail and road transport.

The head of the regional Ministry of Agriculture specified that export restrictions were introduced in the interests of Far Eastern rapeseed producers. The geographical features of the region and the lack of processing capacities were taken into account.

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