Omani Fertilizer Plant Aims for 100,000 Tonnes of Organic Fertilizer Annually

Lighthouse, watchtowers and white houses of traditional architecture of old town Sur in Sultanate of Oman.

The firm behind a new organic fertilizer plant in Salalah, Oman, has said that within the next year it aims to increase the facility’s annual production capacity to 100,000 tonnes.

The Nakheel Oman Development Company’s director of farm planning was quoted by the Times of Oman on October 2 as saying that the Organic Fertilizer Production Plant – which forms part of a joint initiative with the country’s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Water Resources – has produced 25,000 tonnes of fertilizer since it began operating in the first quarter of 2023.

Sarah bint Zaher Al Afan said that the ‘state-of-the-art’ plant uses green waste sourced through the Oman Environmental Services Holding Company (Be’ah), as well as animal waste purchased from local farmers, to create high-quality organic fertilizers.

Oman is seeking to boost production of organic fertilizers as it implements its ‘Vision 2040’ sustainable-development agenda.

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