Russia increases fertilizer production volume in 2023

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In the first eight months of 2023, Russian fertilizer makers increased their total production volume by 3.9% year over year, according to the Ministry of Agriculture’s Center for Agroanalytics.

The center said that Russia’s potash producers achieved a 5.7% year-over-year increase, with their output rising to 5.5mn tonnes. Companies making nitrogen fertilizers, meanwhile, posted a 4% increase, generating 8.2mn tonnes. And producers of phosphate fertilizers saw a 0.3% increase, with their output reaching 2.9mn tonnes.

The Center for Agroanalytics added that, during the same period, production volumes of herbicides increased by 3.8%, to 92,100 tonnes; fungicides increased by 9.3%, to 23,200 tonnes; and insecticides by 11.9%, to 22,600 tonnes.

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