Avenira receives mining permit for Wonarah phosphate project

Mining Engineering

Avenira announced on Tuesday that the government of Australia’s Northern Territory has approved its mine management plan for the Wonarah Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) Phosphate Project.

The company, a battery cathode and fertilizer focused project developer, said that the permit authorizes it to extract 5,000 tonnes of marketable DSO material from its initial test pit, and a further 35,000 tonnes of high-grade phosphate ore during the early stages of the project.

Avenira added that the approval also covers the incremental expansion of the site.

Avenira’s chairman and CEO, Brett Clark, welcomed the authorization. He was quoted in a company news release as saying: ‘This is a crucial step in delivering our mining project, which will provide feedstock for our proposed LFP cathode production plant. Completing this project will see Darwin become a key supplier of critical materials to the global battery market.’

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