IFFCO opens nano DAP liquid factory in Kalol, Gujarat

a lush green field with mountains in the background

India’s home affairs minister on Tuesday inaugurated the Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative’s (IFFCO’s) new nano diammonium phosphate (DAP) manufacturing facility in Kalol, Gujarat, local media reported.

Amit Shah characterized the opening of the new plant as a major agricultural achievement, and said that IFFCO’s nano liquid fertilizer will enable farmers to switch to ‘natural’ farming methods without compromising on their output. According to Shah, the nano urea and DAP do not percolate into the ground and risk harming the environment.

IFFCO says that the new plant will produce 500ml bottles of liquid DAP, which is the equivalent of one bag of conventional DAP. Its daily production capacity will be 200,000 bottles.

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