Fortescue amplifies US expansion with green energy initiatives

Fortescue Metals Group (ASX:FMG) is set to significantly increase its footprint in the United States, leveraging the incentives provided by the Inflation Reduction Act. The group has announced major investments in Michigan and New York, aligning with its focus on green energy.

In Michigan, Fortescue is investing $35 million to establish an Advanced Manufacturing Centre. This initiative, aimed at manufacturing automotive and heavy industry batteries, hydrogen generators, fast chargers, and electrolysers, is expected to create up to 600 jobs in its initial phase. The facility will benefit from the IRA’s tax credits and is seen as a revitalization effort for the region historically known as the birthplace of the automotive industry.

Fortescue also unveiled plans for Fortescue Capital, a green energy investment accelerator platform, to be headquartered in New York City. This venture, led by Robert Tichio, focuses on fostering green energy projects across the globe. It serves as a strategic move to involve additional investors in Fortescue’s green hydrogen, ammonia, and fertilizer projects spread across multiple continents.

The company’s Pheonix Hydrogen Hub is poised for a final investment decision within the year. This project is expected to generate significant employment during the construction and operational phases. Additionally, FMG’s Centralia project in Washington, part of the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub, has received federal funding and is set to begin construction in 2026.

These developments indicate a strategic shift by Fortescue, capitalizing on the United States’ newfound leadership in clean energy. With these investments, the company is positioning itself at the forefront of the global push towards sustainable energy solutions.

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