Group DF to work with Hyundai Engineering on restoration of Ukraine’s fertilizer industry

Ukraine’s Group DF, the parent company of Ostchem Holding, has inked a memorandum of understanding with Hyundai Engineering that sets out the companies’ intention to work together to restore the country’s fertilizer industry, Interfax-Ukraine reported on Monday.

The news agency wrote that the two organizations have pledged to make all necessary efforts to support war-torn Ukraine’s recovery by constructing new Group DF chemical plants and rebuilding existing facilities.

It added that the agreement not only signals the parties’ willingness to invest in joint fertilizer production projects in Ukraine, but in other countries too.

Interfax-Ukraine quoted the CEO of Group DF International, Robert Shetler-Jones, as saying: ‘In cooperation with Hyundai Engineering Co, we will make our contribution to the revival of the Ukrainian economy and the strengthening of the chemical industry. The Group is also open to all possible cooperation with Hyundai Engineering Co on projects to restore and expand logistics infrastructure.’

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