Vietnam’s commune champions innovative organic composting

Hand of farmer pouring soil in hand to ground in middle farm.

A groundbreaking organic composting model has been successfully implemented in Thanh Thoi A commune, marking a significant advancement in sustainable agriculture in the country. Spearheaded by the Commune’s People’s Association, which consists of 1,643 members and 38 Farmer’s Associations, the initiative focuses on utilizing the cellulose-degrading microbial product TBio BIOFIT Composting for organic fertilizer production.

The project began in early 2022 when the People’s Committee of Thanh Thoi A commune initiated a pilot model in Tan Phong Hamlet. Following its success, the model was expanded throughout the commune, providing technical guidance to all seven Farmers’ Associations. Residents are now actively engaged in producing organic compost by using a combination of manure, agricultural waste, and TBio BIOFIT Composting.

Vo Van Hung, the head of Thanh Long hamlet, highlights the community’s involvement in this sustainable practice. With a majority of households engaged in fruit farming and livestock rearing, the use of organic composting techniques has become integral to their agricultural practices. This method not only contributes to environmental protection but also enhances household economic development.

The composting process involves various stages, including the collection of manure and crop residue, preparation of composting materials, and regular maintenance of the compost moisture. Within three months, the compost becomes effective for use in farming, significantly reducing costs compared to purchasing market fertilizers.

A local farmer, Mr. Ngo Van Ti Pho, shares his experience, noting substantial cost savings and improved yield in his green grapefruit gardens thanks to the organic composting model. The initiative not only cuts down production costs but also enhances the nutritional quality and value of the local fruit trees.

The project has garnered support from various organizations, including the Vietnam Waste Treatment Project Board and the Agricultural Extension and Consulting Station, which provide training and practical guidance on organic composting techniques. Under the leadership of Nguyen Thanh Tuan, Chairman of the Thanh Thoi Commune Farmers Association A, efforts are ongoing to expand this model across the commune, promoting a more environmentally friendly and sustainable approach to agriculture in the region.

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