ADM pushes regenerative agriculture to the next level

ADM (Archer Daniels Midland Company) has emphasized its commitment to enhancing sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint across its value chains. Greg Morris, Senior Vice President and President, Ag Services & Oilseeds, highlighted the company’s dedication to expanding regenerative agriculture practices globally. “Our value chain spans from farmers to our operations across six continents, to our diverse customer base,” Morris stated.

Regenerative agriculture, as defined by ADM, incorporates Indigenous land management techniques and adapts to local environmental and cultural conditions. The company has outlined five principles for this practice: minimizing soil disturbance, maintaining living roots, covering bare soil, maximizing diversity in crops and ecosystems, and managing inputs like nutrients and pesticides responsibly.

One of ADM’s goals is to enroll 4 million acres in its regenerative agriculture program by 2025, with the current enrollment nearing 2 million acres. In 2022, ADM’s efforts led to the sequestration of 115,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide and a reduction of 253,000 tonnes in emissions.

In North America, the re:generations program focuses on carbon reduction to support ADM’s Strive 35 goal, which aims to reduce Scope 3 emissions by 25% by 2035. This program offers financial incentives to farmers and involves practices like cover crops and no-till farming.

In the EMEA region, ADM collaborates with growers in Poland, Serbia, and the United Kingdom, focusing on practices like crop rotation and integrating livestock where possible.

In South America, ADM has initiated a pilot program in the Brazilian Cerrado and is launching initiatives with peanut growers in Argentina. These programs emphasize efficient fertilizer use, no-till farming, and biological inputs.

In India, the company works with over 25,500 soybean farmers, focusing on human rights, non-GMO practices, and water management.

Morris notes, “Our research indicates a significant consumer interest in purchasing from companies engaged in regenerative agriculture, with a strong inclination towards trusting brands that implement such programs.”

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