Belarus seeking to resume potash exports to India

Mining of potash ore in an underground mine using a mining machine

Belarus’s ambassador to India, Andrei Rzheussky, has said that Minsk is seeking to restart potash fertilizer exports to the South Asian country, the BelTA news agency reported on Monday.

The diplomat was quoted as saying that ‘There is a possibility that we may resume the export of potash fertilizers. This matter is very important. The embassy is also involved in the efforts to restore the supplies of potash fertilizers to India, because it has an impact on the price of these products not only in India, but also in other countries in the region.’

Rzheussky was also reported as saying that India is willing to work with Belarus in many areas, but has faced difficulties in doing so because of Western sanctions. The punitive measures were introduced in 2021 and target Belaruskali, among other state-owned entities.

India imports almost all of its potash; historically, it has secured around 20% of its annual supplies from Belarus.

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