Experts advocate Juncao Technology for sustainable agriculture in Africa

A high-level workshop in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, has brought together experts advocating for the adoption of Juncao technology to promote sustainable agriculture across Africa. The event, co-hosted by the Chinese Mission to the African Union (AU), the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), and China’s Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (FAFU), focused on the potential of this innovative technology in addressing key agricultural challenges on the continent.

The workshop gathered UN representatives, Chinese diplomats, agricultural experts, and officials from various African countries and China. The AU Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment, Josefa Sacko, conveyed through a representative the AU’s strong support for the implementation of Juncao technology in Africa. She emphasized its low-cost nature and potential to significantly enhance food security and alleviate poverty, particularly in rural areas.

Juncao technology, developed by FAFU in China, enables the cultivation of mushrooms and livestock feed using a special grass, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional wood-based methods. This approach not only aids in food production but also contributes to ecological protection and climate change resilience.

The theme of the workshop, “Application of Juncao Technology and its Contribution to Sustainable Agriculture and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa,” included discussions on utilizing Juncao technology to accelerate the realization of the SDGs and strengthen local capacity for its use.

Hu Changchun, head of the Chinese Mission to the AU, linked the workshop’s objectives to the Global Development Initiative, the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the AU’s Agenda 2063. He noted that Juncao technology is already in use in several African countries, including South Africa, Madagascar, Tanzania, and Nigeria, with demonstration bases established in Rwanda, Lesotho, and the Central African Republic.

China, as Hu highlighted, is committed to enhancing cooperation in areas such as implementing Juncao-based livelihood projects, innovating cooperation models, and building capacity in African countries. He expressed China’s willingness to facilitate training for African officials and experts, send Chinese experts for field guidance, and promote collaboration between agricultural institutions.

The workshop also focused on youth and women’s initiatives in agriculture, emphasizing their involvement in Juncao technology application. Ramiz Alakbarov, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ethiopia, stressed the importance of collaborative efforts to expand Juncao technology in Africa, citing its potential to improve food security and create income opportunities.

Experts at the meeting also explored Juncao technology’s versatility in various sectors, including its use as livestock feed, in environmental protection, energy, and fertilizer production. The technology has sparked the growth of a new industry using Juncao grass for fiberboard and paper production, showcasing its broad applicability beyond mushroom cultivation.

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