Pivot Bio donates funds to support local food banks

Pivot Bio has announced donations to six local food banks or pantries within the communities of its team members. The Berkeley-based company, known for its innovative contributions to sustainable agriculture, aims to enhance food security and support the vital work of its farm partners globally.

Evan Wittenberg, Chief People Officer at Pivot Bio, emphasized the natural alignment of the company’s mission with the initiative. “Supporting our farm partners and contributing positively to the planet is our fundamental mission. Addressing food security locally is an extension of this commitment,” said Wittenberg. The decision to donate was influenced by recommendations from team members, highlighting organizations in their local areas that are significantly impacting the fight against hunger.

The beneficiaries of Pivot Bio’s donations include:

  • Food at First, Ames, IA
  • Berkeley Food Pantry, Berkeley, CA
  • Leyden Township Food Pantry, Franklin Park, IL
  • Foodbank Heartland, Omaha, NE
  • St. Louis Area Foodbank, St. Louis, MO
  • Second Harvest Heartland, Minneapolis, MN

Food insecurity remains a pressing issue in the United States, with millions relying on food banks, especially during the holiday season. According to Feeding America, over 53 million individuals sought assistance from food banks and related programs in 2021. With the holiday season amplifying the need for support, Pivot Bio’s contributions are set to bolster the efforts of these organizations, relying heavily on donations and volunteer work to serve communities. This initiative by Pivot Bio reflects a growing trend of corporate responsibility and community engagement within the agricultural sector, aiming for a world where sustainable farming and food availability go hand in hand.

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