Sino-Arab Chemical Fertilizers Co. interested in Tunisian phosphate project

Small flags of Tunisia on a blurry background of the city.

The Sino-Arab Chemical Fertilizers Company (SACF) has signaled that it would be interested in working with Tunisia to develop the Sra Ouertane phosphate deposit in the country’s north-west, Tunis Afrique Presse reported on Thursday.

The news agency wrote that representatives of SACF, which is a subsidiary of China BlueChemical Ltd, met with the chief of staff of Tunisia’s Ministry of Industry, Mines, and Energy, Ahlam Beji Sayeb, to discuss the possibility of collaborating on the project.

The two sides also reportedly talked about cooperating on other mining and fertilizer ventures.

Tunisia’s phosphate industry is a significant contributor to the country’s economy, accounting for approximately 4% of GDP and 15% of exports.

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