Serbia: no changes detected in Danube water after sinking of barge

view  from The Anghel Saligny Bridge,
ships, barges on the Danube,Cernavoda, Romania. may , 2017

Serbia’s environment ministry has said in an online statement that there were not any immediate changes to water quality in the Danube River following Friday’s sinking of a barge loaded with nitrogenous fertilizer.

The ministry said that samples taken shortly after the accident conformed to surface water quality regulations. It added that further samples have since been taken, and that the results will be made public as soon as possible.

The German-flagged vessel sank after it hit the Ilok–Bačka Palanka bridge on Serbia’s river border with Croatia. It had been travelling from Austria to a Serbian port north of the capital, Belgrade. No one was hurt.

Local media suggested in the aftermath of the accident that there could be severe repercussions for the local environment.

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