WACOT Rice launches dry season initiative for 10,000 farmers in Nigeria

Nigeria’s rice processing company, WACOT Rice, initiated its 2024 dry season farming campaign, targeting the distribution of essential agricultural inputs to over 10,000 smallholder farmers in the Argungu area of Kebbi state. This initiative, part of the company’s out-grower program, is designed to enhance the livelihoods of local farmers through comprehensive support, including access to agricultural input financing, advanced training in Yield Enhancement Techniques (YET), and Good Agronomic Practices (GAP).

The program will particularly benefit a substantial number of women and youth farmers. Participants are set to receive a suite of benefits ranging from agricultural inputs and water pumps to specialized training sessions and extension support, aimed at boosting productivity during the dry season.

Senator Abubakar Kyari, the Nigerian Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, expressed his commendation for the initiative during the inauguration of the input distribution. His visit also included an inspection of WACOT Rice’s 250,000-ton mill, poised for inauguration later in the year. The Minister recognized the initiative’s potential to significantly enhance farmer productivity and income, aligning seamlessly with President Bola Tinubu’s Renewed Hope eight-point agenda.

The initiative has already received positive feedback from the local farming community. The participants highlighted the transformative impact of the agri-input loan program and the comprehensive training and capacity building received. Despite the positive strides, challenges such as the escalating energy costs for irrigation remain a concern.

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