AgroGalaxy unveils new bionutrient brand in partnership with SuperBAC

Brazil’s AgroGalaxy has officially launched SuperGalaxy, a plant nutrition brand, in collaboration with SuperBAC BioTechnology Solutions. The company made the announcement at the SuperAgro event in Londrina, a key agricultural hub in the south of the Brazil.

The new SuperGalaxy brand stands out for its unique formulation, incorporating a soil conditioner enriched with SmartBAC bacteria, a proprietary innovation of SuperBAC. According to AgroGalaxy, the product offers an optimal blend of micro and macronutrients and boasts exceptional soil structuring properties. These features collectively contribute to a marked increase in agricultural productivity.

“The main characteristic of our organomineral fertilizers was their soil structuring properties, in addition to a considerable increase in productivity,” said Marcelo Zanchi, AgroGalaxy’s marketing, R&D, and agronomic solutions director.

The benefits of the SuperGalaxy range extend beyond nutrition. The fertilizers are designed to enhance soil biota and create an optimal environment for root-system development. This holistic approach ensures that crops are not only more productive but also more resilient to environmental stresses such as fluctuations in water availability and temperature.

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