Seven ships carrying fertilizers rerouted due to Red Sea crisis – Indian minister

Seven ships laden with fertilizers have been diverted from their original Red Sea routes as a result of the ongoing crisis in the region, Indian media reported on Friday, citing the country’s minister of state for chemicals and fertilizers, Bhagwanth Khuba.

Exim India wrote that the Department of Fertilizers is actively monitoring the progress of inbound fertilizer shipments and cooperating with several other bodies – including the defence ministry, the external affairs ministry, and the Indian navy – to ensure that much-needed agricultural goods reach the country.

Exim India also noted that a dedicated committee within the Department of Fertilizers has been established to assess the implications of the Red Sea crisis, adding that a ‘control room’ has been set up to allow fertilizer companies to report shipping-related concerns.

Yemen’s Houthi rebels on Tuesday launched drone and missile attacks on two more Western vessels, one of which was a Marshall Islands-flagged, Greek-owned bulk carrier heading to India from the US. The ships are only reported to have incurred minor damage.

The Iran-aligned Shi’a Islamist group has been targeting vessels in the Red Sea since November, in what it has said is an effort to put pressure on Israel to end its devastating military campaign in Gaza.

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