West Virginia University receives $568k grant for fertilizer research

Dramatic image of Woodburn Hall at West Virginia University or WVU in Morgantown WV as the sun sets behind the illuminated historic building

US Senator Joe Manchin has announced that West Virginia University will receive a grant of $568,356 from the National Science Foundation (NSF). He said in a statement on Tuesday that the funding will support a project focused on advancing the recovery of essential macronutrients from wastewater, an area of research with significant implications for sustainable agriculture and environmental protection.

Specifically, the project aims to explore the design of surface-modified membranes for the efficient recovery of key fertilizer macronutrients. By investigating the separation mechanisms in polyelectrolyte-modified membranes, the research will contribute valuable insights into sustainable fertilizer production.

Senator Manchin said the initiative not only addresses the pressing issue of nutrient recycling from wastewater but also provides mentored research opportunities for students, with an emphasis on including those traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields.

The West Virginia lawmaker also highlighted the importance of funding innovative research that could lead to progress in energy resilience and environmental stewardship. As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Manchin underscored his commitment to securing resources that enhance academic research and support educational institutions across West Virginia.

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